The Server Object holds all data revolving around a server.
Field | Type | Example | Description |
id | String | "aaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbb" | The unique ID for the server. |
name | String | "My awesome server" | The name of the server. |
host | Integer | 0 | The host that the server is residing on. |
ipv4 | String | "" | The IPV4 address of the server. |
size | String | "nibble-1024" | The size ID of the server. |
sizeDescription | String | "nibble-1024" | The size of the server in a more readable format. |
image | String | "10000" | The ID of the image or app that the server has installed. |
imageDescription | String | "Ubuntu 18.04" | The description of the image installed on the server. |
created | Date (Unix Timestamp ) | "2020-01-01T08:00:00.000Z" | The creation date of the server. |
rate | Integer | 21 | The hourly rate of the server that will be deducted from your account balance every hour. |
bandwidthUsed | Integer | 1000 | The amount of bandwidth used by the server. Represented in bytes . |
bandwidthAllowance | Integer | 2000000000000 | The amount of bandwidth the server has included in its plan. Represented in bytes . |
status | String | "ok" / "launching" / "restarting" / "rebuilding" / "error" / "stopped" | The status of the server. |
errorText | String | Associated error text if server failed to create. | |
backupsEnabled | Bool | true | If the server has backups enabled. |
abuse | Bool | false | If the server has been the subject of an abuse report. |
diskGB | Integer | 25 | The size of the server's disk in GB . |
protection | Object | Protection Object | The protection object stores details on the protection status of the server. |