Command-line Tool: blcli

We provide an open-source command-line tool to interact with BitLaunch services called blcli. It is written in Go and uses our Go SDK. You can check it out on GitHub here.


  • Create and Destroy servers on BitLaunch, DigitalOcean, Vultr and Linode
  • List, Create and Delete SSH Keys on your account
  • List and Create new transactions, with BTC & LTC Lightning Network support
  • Output transaction payment QR code to terminal


Links to pre-compiled v1.0.0 amd64 binaries for the following common platforms:


More system architecture builds are available on the GitHub releases page.

Alternatively, build from source from the GitHub repo

Setting the API Access Token

You'll need your API Access Token to use the Command-line tool. To set it, you can either specify it each time with the --token flag or export it as an environment variable BL_API_TOKEN. See the Getting Started page to see how to generate your API access token.


You can get help by passing the -h flag to any command or subcommand

blcli is a command-line interface for

  blcli [command]

Available Commands:
  account        Retrieve account information
  create-options View images, sizes, and options available for a host when creating a new server.
  help           Help about any command
  server         Manage your virtual machines
  sshkey         Manage SSH Keys
  transaction    Manage transactions
  version        blcli version

      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.blcli.yaml)
  -h, --help            help for blcli
      --token string    API authentication token

Use "blcli [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Create a server

blcli server create --host bitlaunch --image 10000 --name my-server --region lon1 --size nibble-1024 --password ilovebitlaunchxx

  "id": "5e8eef2b6543910001504394",
  "name": "my-server",
  "host": 4,
  "ipv4": "",
  "region": "lon1",
  "size": "nibble-1024",
  "sizeDescription": "Nibble-1024",
  "image": "10000",
  "imageDescription": "Ubuntu (Ubuntu 18.04 LTS)",
  "created": "2020-04-09T09:47:23.489Z",
  "rate": 14,
  "bandwidthUsed": 0,
  "bandwidthAllowance": 1000000000000,
  "status": "launching",
  "errorText": "",
  "backupsEnabled": false,
  "version": "2.0.0",
  "abuse": false,
  "diskGB": 25

Get server status

blcli server get 5e8eef2b6543910001504394

  "id": "5e8eef2b6543910001504394",
  "name": "my-server",
  "host": 4,
  "ipv4": "",
  "region": "lon1",
  "size": "nibble-1024",
  "sizeDescription": "Nibble-1024",
  "image": "10000",
  "imageDescription": "Ubuntu (Ubuntu 18.04 LTS)",
  "created": "2020-04-09T09:47:23.489Z",
  "rate": 14,
  "bandwidthUsed": 0,
  "bandwidthAllowance": 1000000000000,
  "status": "ok",
  "errorText": "",
  "backupsEnabled": false,
  "version": "2.0.0",
  "abuse": false,
  "diskGB": 25

Create a new transaction

blcli transaction create 20 btc

  "id": "5e8ef0556543910001504395",
  "transactionId": "",
  "date": "2020-04-09T09:52:21.777840425Z",
  "address": "3611bcAyyxiHAaySy5YvCHt5YdJLW8YbxF",
  "cryptoSymbol": "BTC",
  "amountUsd": 20,
  "amountCrypto": "0.00273057",
  "status": "Pending",
  "statusUrl": "",
  "qrCodeUrl": ""